Pursuant to Presidential Proclamation Nos. 224, 227 and Republic Act 6949 “An act to declare March 8 of every year as special working holiday to be known as National Women’s Day/Month”, the Toll Regulatory Board joins the celebration to support the government’s international commitments on gender and development and promote and advocate women’s rights.


The National Women’s Month Celebration theme, “We Make Change Work For Women!”, which will be used from 2017-2022 highlights the empowerment of women as active contributors to and claimholders of development.


As provided by the PCW, the 2019 celebration aims to:


  1. inform and engage women as stakeholders of government programs and services – to promote citizen-centric governance and make “change” a conscious effort to know, understand, and provide what ALL citizens need;
  2. create and facilitate platforms to discuss good practices, gaps, challenges , and commitments in pursuing gender and development (GAD) – to strengthen implementation of the Magna Carta of Women; and
  3. inspire and empower women and girls to be agents of change – to contribute in promoting gender equality and the empowerment of all women.

TRB Activities:

  • Juana be protected? – The activity is aimed to provide both women and men employees the basic knowledge on Kuntaw to increase one’s overall safety in any situation.
  • Juana see? – Film showing on gender-related movies espousing to women empowerment and gender will help the members open their gender lenses through the identification of gender issues demonstrated in the movie.
  • Juana join? – The 6th Advocacy Caravan of the Tollway Industry to promote gender equality and women empowerment as our contribution and support to the country’s international commitment on women. The Advocacy Caravan is geared to inform and increase the awareness on gender equality of the tollway operators and concessionaires that will eventually lead to better services that would benefit both women and men equally not only in their very own companies but also to the motoring public as well.
  • Juana be recognized? – The activity aims to recognize and commend the Most Gender Responsive Toll Service Facility (TSF) for 2019. This sprung from the quarterly inspection reports on all the TSFs as to whether or not the comfort rooms are properly maintained.