Public Consultation on the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of D.O. 2020-012 "Requiring Cashless or Contactless Transaction for All Vehicles Traveling on Toll Expressways".


The Toll Regulatory Board (TRB) is conducting a public consultation on the draft Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of D.O. 2020-012 "Requiring Cashless or Contactless Transaction for All Vehicles Traveling on Toll Expressways".

You may submit your inputs and/or comments at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You may also send your inputs and/or comments at the Office of the Executive Director, Toll Regulatory Board, 5th Floor, The Columbia Tower, Brgy. Wack-Wack, Mandaluyong City.

Below is the link of the downloadable file for reference:

  1. Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of D.O. 2020-012 "Requiring Cashless or Contactless Transaction for All Vehicles Traveling on Toll Expressways"

“In accordance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012, all responses will be treated with utmost confidentiality and will only be used for research purposes and policy guideline.”